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27 Apr

Increase Your Blog Traffic with These Simple 3 Tactics

Increase Blog Traffic

Starting a blog is very easy, because it takes just a little time. But what you think about traffic to your blog? Do you know how you can attract massive visitors to your blog? If you do not have any idea to attract visitors to your blog then do not worry, just read this post and know how you can generate massive traffic to your blog.

There are basic, but most important 3 Tactics to Generate Traffic to your blog:

Write Content search Engine And User Friendly : Create your content search engines and user friendly, because it’s one of the best primary technique that every webmaster and bloggers must need to know how to use it?

It means simple, your blog post appeared in search engines’ (Google, Yahoo and Bing) top 10 results via use of your title and keywords. Clearly you need to use a set of parameters of the keywords, like keyword density, image enhancement and so on. But you need to set in your mind that “Content is one of the best ways to attract readers” so do not try to make it unreadable by adding lots of keywords. Because it can puzzle your readers and they can leave your site.

Use Social Networking: Social Networking is one of the best and popular ways to increase your blog and site traffic, also sale. Face book, LinkedIn, Twitter, Stumble upon and Google Plus are some of best and top networking sites in the whole world and above million users available on these all networking sites. Therefore, that means, if you will use social Networking platform you will get massive traffic to your site. On these all networking site you can open an account free of cost and easily can post photos, thought and videos etc. You should pay attention over your profile as a strong social profile plays an important role in the search results of major search engines.Increase Your Blog Traffic

You can also create a page for your business on networking sites to drive more traffic. However, you need to set in mind your page should be helpful, informative and attractive. If it did not, then the user can think you are a spammer.

Share you latest content and thought on networking sites with your close friends and people. If you share post on daily basis on their sites and pages and active in discussion then you will definitely get surprising results.

Use Google Analytic Tool to determine traffic: Google Analytic is one of the best and free analysis software to analyze your site and blog visitors’ activities. You can easily find who is your visitors, what resource from they come, which country, city and what is visitor’s language, which page recently visited, and they left after visit 1st page or which page continue to reading your blog.

Google analytic tool will be helpful in analyzing the weak points of your website. After knowing your weak points you have an idea where you have to do work hard to improve your website position.

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